Gooey On the Inside was an amazing scene, and an incredible moment in time of art and music but it is time to for us close the curtains on this.

We have both moved onto new exciting projects.
Keep in touch with us if you want.... and THANKYOU!!!!
we are keeping this blog up for historical purposes. please browse it thoroughly to find all the cool wack shit we did XXXXXXXXXXXX

Q: What is Gooey on The Inside?
A: Gooey on the Inside was an underground art, music and event organisation curated by Kati Cubby and Holly Fluxx that successfully hosted over 40 separate events (from 2007-2010).

Our events included art exhibitions, live music performances, dance parties, artist markets, workshops, skill shares, contemporary dance performances, writings, theatre performances, fundraisers, live video streams, panel discussions and fashion shows, as well as a combination of many of these simultaneously.

Highlights of Gooey On the Inside include:
- A live music and art event in Berlin, Germany (The Slumber Party)
- A live music and art event in Santiago, Chile (La Cunt Rave)
- A well received music showcase compilation cd (Hit Machine XXIVIVX), featuring Gooey on the Inside artists from Indonesia, Japan, Chile, USA, UK, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and across Australia.
- An invitation to speak at This Is Not Art Festival 2008 on "How to start a scene from scratch"
- Producing our own specialist radio programs for 3CR and SYN fm
- Over 40 successful dynamic and diverse events spanning the course of three years
- Featured in an interview and full page spread in UK magazine "Super Super" as well as local Australian zines

Focusing on young people who identified as women, trans, queer, and people of colour, we strived to create space, agency, audience, support and a thriving, dynamic environment and build a community for our artists.

We have now moved on to other projects, but can be contacted via email: and

thanks so much
love kati and holly!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

who's afraid of kathy acker!?

i went and saw


last night...


A couple of weeks ago, one of my lecturers asked me to describe Kathy Acker to the class... I said that she was a feminist writer who explored dream/women's (or at least her own) experiences of sex and childhood sex/incest.

My teacher's face contorted, 'mmmm, I don't think that's what she did...'

I freaked out, embarrassed at my now seemingly 'wrong'/'sexualized' reading of Acker. I went home, couldn't sleep and stayed up all night reading My Mother:Demonology:A Novel. By sunrise, I was satisfied that my description of Kathy Acker was, at least, not inaccurate.

Who's Afraid Of Kathy Acker is a documentary written and directed by Barbara Caspar, released in 2008, which contains heaps of footage and photos of Acker, and interviews with her contemporaries and lots of interviews with students and men who had slept with her saying things like, 'she was like an androgynous little girly sex kitten'.

To start with, Kathy Acker was/is an North American writer... performer, pornographer who died in 1997 of breast cancer. This documentary... seeks to construct Acker as a feminist writer warrior who is simultaneously an outsider punk type, and a brilliant intellectual.

The documentary has its weaknesses, pretty much all interviews take place in front of book shelves, or, if its a musician being interviewed, in front of record collections. There is even some boring footage of Acker being interviewed by some clueless dude on Radio National in Australia... which is just kinda boring and pointless.

And there was footage of her at early readings, and her experimental porn movies, so if you're worried about nudity, prepare to see some vaginal close-ups.

A friend who I watched the documentary with asked, why make such a linear, ordered documentary about a woman who said that very quickly she was bored of standard biography form?

I must say that I loved seeing footage of Kathy Acker, I loved all the seemingly randomly inserted excerpts from her work that made it into the movie, I loved the construction of big bad New York City as a main character in the movie, but I didn't like the sexual banter from the men... many of whom didn't actually seem to know Acker significantly apart from instances of sex! Go and see it if you can. Its not brilliant, but its got rare footage, and you will probably be inspired to write or make some porn or something by the time the movie is finished.


also kathy acker interviewed the spice girls just before she died, this is tha link!!1x

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

we enrolled in sista she hip hop school

hey do you have a big dick?

sista she does.
we are doing sista she hip hop classes every weeek, they are really fun and amazing,
we are making up swt raps and dance moves, and eating heaps and heaps of tim tams!!!!!!
oh and we are making a filmclip!!!

its pretty good.....

come sparkle wit me @ TINA