Gooey On the Inside was an amazing scene, and an incredible moment in time of art and music but it is time to for us close the curtains on this.

We have both moved onto new exciting projects.
Keep in touch with us if you want.... and THANKYOU!!!!
we are keeping this blog up for historical purposes. please browse it thoroughly to find all the cool wack shit we did XXXXXXXXXXXX

Q: What is Gooey on The Inside?
A: Gooey on the Inside was an underground art, music and event organisation curated by Kati Cubby and Holly Fluxx that successfully hosted over 40 separate events (from 2007-2010).

Our events included art exhibitions, live music performances, dance parties, artist markets, workshops, skill shares, contemporary dance performances, writings, theatre performances, fundraisers, live video streams, panel discussions and fashion shows, as well as a combination of many of these simultaneously.

Highlights of Gooey On the Inside include:
- A live music and art event in Berlin, Germany (The Slumber Party)
- A live music and art event in Santiago, Chile (La Cunt Rave)
- A well received music showcase compilation cd (Hit Machine XXIVIVX), featuring Gooey on the Inside artists from Indonesia, Japan, Chile, USA, UK, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and across Australia.
- An invitation to speak at This Is Not Art Festival 2008 on "How to start a scene from scratch"
- Producing our own specialist radio programs for 3CR and SYN fm
- Over 40 successful dynamic and diverse events spanning the course of three years
- Featured in an interview and full page spread in UK magazine "Super Super" as well as local Australian zines

Focusing on young people who identified as women, trans, queer, and people of colour, we strived to create space, agency, audience, support and a thriving, dynamic environment and build a community for our artists.

We have now moved on to other projects, but can be contacted via email: and

thanks so much
love kati and holly!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

erm, chase the lazer?!
Disclaimer: This website provides health and safety information only. We neither condemn nor condone the use of any drug. Rather, we recognize that recreational drug use is a permanent part of our society, and that there will always be people who use drugs, despite prohibition. The drug information we provide, therefore, is meant to assist users in making informed decisions about their use. We do not make the claim, nor do we imply, that the use of any drug can ever be completely safe. All drug use contains inherent risks. We assume no responsibility for how the information on this site is used.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

gmail no tities crapb

so it seems that gmail noticed us talking about the crab, and how it, according to eli 'looks like tits' and so they made new rich emoticons!! so the crab doesn't look like tits, and instead it looks like a crab, and it moves:

yeh sorry, blurry and cute, eh!??!!?!

i love you <3

Saturday, October 25, 2008

secret admirerers???

me and holly have been talking and we are realllly confused about how we have so many hits on this blog.... i mean....really??
only two followers are listed!!!
and one of them is gooey on the inside. and the other one is me.
does anyone else we know read this?
you should add yourself to the followers so we can see if this counter thing is real coz it says we get 12,000 hits per day and thats totally wack

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i drew this//i wish i had some 3d shadez...

suxxx about the world economic collapse

now i can't buy shit for cheap.
x x x x x xx x
bring it on
x x x

i <3 gmail chat

i <3 V.v.V

ps. +/'\
x x x x

do you reckon this dog is real?X?X?X
ps. 12,000 people per day look at our blog, SCORE!!!
x x

Friday, October 10, 2008

holly fluxxibition

drum roll....
get ready for the HOLLY FLUXXIBITION!!!
next friday night @ DISCOBEANS!!!!
with rainbows, string and PSYCHOGEOGRAPHIES!!!
holly fluxxibition
and japanese food (by yuka) and booze!!!
x x x xx x

advanced style

look at this blog:

its like FRUITS!! but its all senior citizen babes!!!
x x x x x x x xx

come sparkle wit me @ TINA