Gooey On the Inside was an amazing scene, and an incredible moment in time of art and music but it is time to for us close the curtains on this.

We have both moved onto new exciting projects.
Keep in touch with us if you want.... and THANKYOU!!!!
we are keeping this blog up for historical purposes. please browse it thoroughly to find all the cool wack shit we did XXXXXXXXXXXX

Q: What is Gooey on The Inside?
A: Gooey on the Inside was an underground art, music and event organisation curated by Kati Cubby and Holly Fluxx that successfully hosted over 40 separate events (from 2007-2010).

Our events included art exhibitions, live music performances, dance parties, artist markets, workshops, skill shares, contemporary dance performances, writings, theatre performances, fundraisers, live video streams, panel discussions and fashion shows, as well as a combination of many of these simultaneously.

Highlights of Gooey On the Inside include:
- A live music and art event in Berlin, Germany (The Slumber Party)
- A live music and art event in Santiago, Chile (La Cunt Rave)
- A well received music showcase compilation cd (Hit Machine XXIVIVX), featuring Gooey on the Inside artists from Indonesia, Japan, Chile, USA, UK, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and across Australia.
- An invitation to speak at This Is Not Art Festival 2008 on "How to start a scene from scratch"
- Producing our own specialist radio programs for 3CR and SYN fm
- Over 40 successful dynamic and diverse events spanning the course of three years
- Featured in an interview and full page spread in UK magazine "Super Super" as well as local Australian zines

Focusing on young people who identified as women, trans, queer, and people of colour, we strived to create space, agency, audience, support and a thriving, dynamic environment and build a community for our artists.

We have now moved on to other projects, but can be contacted via email: and

thanks so much
love kati and holly!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

new project: skill shares!!!

new project------ skillshares!!!

im making an ongoing skillshare event.....

Sat 3rd April,
@ Loophole

i have written a manifesta for it and it you want to READ WHY THIS IS HAPPENING AND IMPORTANT>>> THEN CLICK HERE.. .. . . . .im also gonna put it at the bottom of this post aswell

click this link to see timetable !!!

THIS SKILLSHARE IS A "CENTERED" EVENT. (see description below for more details)


Live Sound Tech workshop with Shelagh
Hip Hop with Pandie and Raceless
DIY Bling Bling strap ons with Brigett
Using computer programs to make art and music with Kake and Emilio
Revolutionary Brown history with Pataphysics
Speaking japanese with Yuka

if your interested in holding a workshop contact me ASAP!!!

when we say CENTERED we Mean; people most affected by oppressors are prioritized to access the workshops. eg (in no particular order) women (trans women and non trans women), femmes, indigenous people, people of colour, trans folk, queers, people with disabilities, refugees, working class people etc
we are not assuming anything about anyone, we each need to decide what is best for ourselves.....

There will be a lunch provided by the new melbourne pro feminist mens collective thing (they dont have a name yet, and sorry for using the word "man" im just struggling to I.D the group publicly)

MORE DETAILS TO ARRIVE LATER THIS WEEK, including how to get a spot and more. RSVP to this event and we will msg you when we update the event with more info!!!

ok this next bit is my rough draft manifesta of skillshares


When we think of wealth, we too often think of money. This is a mistake. Wealth is actually a complex system of power that controls almost everything. (I am not talking about class struggle)
To understand wealth properly, and the way it oppresses it us, we must see it and define it in ways other then simply money.
I see WEALTH as not only access to currency, but as access to resources, access to skills, knowledge and education, access to safety and access to support.

When i see the world this way, i have a strong understanding of just how rich i truly am in terms of access to institutional education and support,
but i can also see the barriers in place to keep me feeling truly unpowerful and UNwealthy, in terms of access to skills/knowledge, access to safety and access to resources.

I see these barriers directly linked to the fact that I am a cisgendered womyn.
Patriarchy and those who benefit from it, OWN the skills/knowledge, access to safety, and access to resources and ARE NOT SHARING OR REDISTRIBUTING THIS WEALTH.

I can link this same concept to other systematic oppression. As a white identified person who is trying(and by no means succeeding) to take responsibility for my privileged, I have a basic (and by no means whole and sufficient) understanding of my privileged access to ALL WEALTH and how fucked it is that I can so easily and safely access so much whilst my people of colour friends and allies cannot. White power and those who benefit from it, OWN the skills/knowledge, access to safety, and access to resources and ARE NOT SHARING OR REDISTRIBUTING THIS WEALTH.

I can link this same concept to other systematic oppression. As a cisgendered womyn who identifies as a "womyn"(whatever that means) and as queer, I have a basic (and by no means whole and sufficient) understanding of my privileged access to ALL WEALTH and how fucked it is that I can so easily and safely access so much whilst my transgender, genderqueer, and genderfluid friends and allies cannot. Gender Binary, Gender-normativity, and Hetero-normativity and those who benefit from it, OWN the skills/knowledge, access to safety, and access to resources and ARE NOT SHARING OR REDISTRIBUTING THIS WEALTH.

WE MUST REDISTRIBUTE THIS WEALTH,........ this it not optional.
We are degraded, silenced, patronised, abused, assualted, murdered, ignored, invisible/voiceless, explioted, tokenised, and heaps more fucked things!!!!
we are not gonna do NOTHING about it!!!
We need skills. We need to learn all the things that we dont know, and grab hold of all that shit we dont have access to, that is keeping us so disempowered.
We need all the skills we can get.

In light of these ideas. The primary objective of this skillshare is to enable people of colour, wimmin, trans folks and queerz to gain access to skills and knowledge which society has stereotypically been soley designated to straight white cisgendered men.
Straight, white, cisgendered men are welcome to participate, as long as they agree to the primary objective of the skillshare and actively working to not distrupt or counter attack, slow down, or hinder the primary objective.

This skillshare is in the seed stage of its existence. I want it to be a healthy tree.

I envisage this skill share to be an on going process that happens not only during designated community days but also more and more in our day-to-day lives. I dream of this happening again, and again, quite regularly. I see us self educating each other to dismantle the powers that keep us so fucked up, and redistributing what wealth we all DO have access to.
Really its now, or never.

in no particular order.....

building, understanding basic engineering
fighting/defence, defence against weapons
fixing bikes
fixing cars
understanding and using tools
gardening, including how to make functioning compost/worm farms/compost toilets
true histories and struggles of the oppressed
Live sound/how PAs and mixing desks work
speaking/understanding languages other then english
radical/liberated sexualities+sex +sex work
using computers and complicated computer programs
fixing computers
community decision making
electricity+ energy
defining and creating art/music in safe environments
speaking with confidence
learning/using the body for strength based activites
reading/understanding theory and heavy intellectual text

plus about a miillion more things, this is just what i could come up with when i sat down for 3 minutes to write out a list.
if you would like to add more to this list, or think you have a skill to share, and would like to share it at the next skillshare,
please email me


ps- id to acknowledge SHELAGH whose idea this originally is, Liz and her Tick My Box Zine for all the great interviews , particularly on centering, and Molasses and her Feminist Manifesta Zine!!!!, and Pandie for being my constant co-conspirator

pps- this event will have a donation entry, with all money going to fund the housing crisis in Papua New Guinea

1 comment:

  1. i need this. but i'm far away now. i'll work on making something like this in brisbane.


come sparkle wit me @ TINA